January 2023 Update: Now Available for Speaking Engagements and Article/Blog Commissions

by | Jan 17, 2023

For the past few months I have been busy planning out how to relaunch Cyber Security Unity (formerly the UK Cyber Security Association) and focusing on my day job, so I haven’t posted on here or updated my blog. In addition to this, I am currently still on a very intense healing journey and been having EMDR therapy which has taken a lot out of me (special thanks go to my therapist Ben Chapman for his help and guiding me through my healing journey, I couldn’t have done it without him). Then in early April 2022 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and some days it takes everything I’ve got to get through the day when everything hurts so much.

Despite all this, I will not let what happened to me and let fibromyalgia beat me. Although I must learn to pace myself more and understand that I can’t do what I used to do, I still want to focus on the things I enjoy. To that end, as of January 1st 2023 I will be available again for speaking engagements, panel discussions, panel moderation, podcasts, videos, and article/blog commissions.

I missed out on a few things last year while healing and re-focusing such as being a part of International Imposter Syndrome Awareness Day which I co-founded with Nathaniel Schooler and Kim Adele. I wasn’t in the right place be a part of it this year – my EMDR therapy led me to feeling like a huge imposter and I didn’t feel that it was right that I take part in it.  Slowly but surely I feel I have a bit more confidence, motivation, and drive than I’ve ever had before and I am looking forward to the next steps in my career journey, and finally re-launching Cyber Security Unity.

If you would like to book me to speak at your event, moderate panel discussions, take part in panel discussions, be a judge for your awards or commission me to write any blogs/articles please reach out to me via enquiries@lisaventura.co.uk. I would love to consider your requests now that I am back in circulation again.

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